Letter to the Minister of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
(letter was subsequently forwarded to Greg Turner, the incoming Minister)
Hon. Arlene Dunn
Minister, Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
Sent via email at arlene.dunn@gnb.ca
February 1, 2024
Dear Minister Dunn,
The New Brunswick Federation of Labour (NBFL) is calling on your office to review the consequences that companies face when they are found responsible for causing a workplace death or serious injury to their workers.
We would also like to see WorkSafeNB, in collaboration with worker representatives on its board of directors, provide education in our high schools and post secondary institutions. It is of the utmost importance that these future workers, soon to enter the workforce, understand health and safety laws, employers’ responsibilities, and their rights as workers.
Over the past year, the labour movement watched closely the Jason King / Springhill Construction court cases. Many workers were present in the Burton courtroom for the sentencing of Jason King. We were all moved by the victim impact statements. Michael Henderson’s death was preventable. It ended not only his dreams and aspirations. It also dramatically impacted his family, friends, and community.
Michael, like so many young graduates, had his heart set on a career in the trades. However, these dreams were extinguished due a preventable workplace incident. Far too often, the victims of workplace accidents are young workers. Workplace accidents are always preventable. There must accountability and serious consequences for employers who choose to neglect their responsibilities in providing a safe worksite for their workers.
Daniel Legere
President, New Brunswick Federation of Labour