2022 Day of Mourning Events
Bathurst & District Labour Council
April 28th at 12:15 p.m.
Near Sacred Heart Cathedral, Douglas Avenue Bathurst
Contact: John Gagnon at (506) 454-0651 / gagnonnjohn@yahoo.com
Edmundston & District Labour Council
April 28th at 11:30 a.m.
Park next to Edmundston City Hall, Canada Road
Contact: Lorn Martin at (506) 737-7063 / lornm5@gmail.com
IAFF Fredericton
April 28 at 12 noon
Fallen Firefighters Monument St. Ann’s Point Drive in Fredericton
Contact: George Nickerson at (902) 580-0375
Miramichi & District Labour Council
April 28th at 6:00 p.m.
Walk leaving City Hall, ending at Ritchie’s Wharf Park
Contact: Theresa McAllister at (506) 424-1417
Moncton & District Labour Council
April 28th at 12 noon
Cenotaph in Bore Park, Moncton Riverfront on Main Street Moncton
Contact: Melissa Brown at (506) 872-4643 / melandjade@hotmail.com