Provincial Budget: Missed Opportunity to Adequately Invest in New Brunswickers

March 23, 2022

The New Brunswick Federation of Labour is calling the 2022-2023 New Brunswick Budget a missed opportunity to adequately invest in public services and programs that would improve the lives of New Brunswickers.

“The ongoing pandemic has exposed several gaps in the public services available to New Brunswickers as too many are living in poverty, are facing food and housing insecurity. Child care and nursing home care service remain inadequate,” says Daniel Legere, President of the New Brunswick Federation of Labour. “Now is not the time to balance the books at the expense of society’s most vulnerable.”

Yesterday’s provincial budget falls short of addressing the recommendations made by the New Brunswick Federation of Labour in its pre-budget submission to government:

• Increase minimum wage to $15/hour;
• Legislate 10 paid sick days and 10 emergency leave days for all workers;
• Transition nursing homes and child care to the public sector;
• Reinstate registered nurses and psychologists in the school system;
• Adequately resource teachers, educational assistants, school bus drivers and provide school-based library services on a full-time basis;
• Increase funding to nursing homes to allow for 4.1 hours of care per patient.

“As New Brunswick’s economic recovery remains fragile, now is not the time to plan for a surplus-budget,” adds Legere. “It was particularly disappointing to see the property tax cuts included in this budget. Revenue that could have been used to further improve public services in New Brunswick.”


For more information, please call
Daniel Legere
President, New Brunswick Federation of Labour
(506) 857-2125

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